Pediatric Board Review - Medical Ethics
- A 17-year-old boy lives independently. He is married and has one child. He wants to participate in a research study. Does he need
his parents permission? (Important)
Answer: no. He is an emancipated minor who lives independently from his parents physically and financially.
- An infant, born at 30 weeks gestation, appears to be SGA (small for gestational age) with multiple malformations. Amniocentesis
study was not performed. Infant needs resuscitation at birth. What should a physician do in this situation? (Important)
Answer: physician must resuscitate the patient in the delivery room because the diagnosis is uncertain.
- A 10-year-old boy is diagnosed with terminally ill bone cancer and needs resuscitation. His parents did not sign a DNR order. The
physician has decided to perform a ‘slow code’ on his own. Is this the right decision? (Important)
Answer: no. Please remember, a performance of ‘slow code’ or ‘show code’ is not acceptable to the patient. This decision by the
doctor represents the failure to come to a timely and clear decision about a patient’s resuscitation status.
- A 17-year-old man is diagnosed with suspected bacteremia and meningitis. He refuses antibiotic therapy. He collapses and requires
resuscitation. What should a physician do in this situation?
Answer: the physician should resuscitate the patient despite the patient’s refusal to antibiotic therapy.
- A 14-year-old boy is diagnosed with terminally ill cancer. He is not responding to chemotherapy. His parents want to continue the
treatment. However, the boy does not want to continue his suffering. The physician told the parents that chemotherapy will not be
helpful. What is the appropriate decision at this point? (Important)
Answer: the boy’s decision should be respected because the treatment is futile.
- A physician became sexually involved with a current patient who initiated or consented to the contact. Is it ethical for a physician to
become sexually involved?
Answer: no. Sexual involvement between physicians and former patients raises concern. The physician should discuss with a
colleague or other professional before becoming sexually involved with a former patient. The physician should terminate the
physician-patient relationship before initiating a romantic or sexual relationship with a patient.
- A physician decided to take care of his own family members and relatives. He is very smart physician. Is this a right decision?
Answer: no. The physician should encourage all friends and family members to have their own personal physician.
- A father wants to have a copy of his child’s medical records. What should a physician do in this situation?
Answer: the physician should retain the original chart. Information should only be released with the written permission of the
mother or the patient’s legally authorized representative (e.g., attorney). Father can also obtain the copy of the child’s medical
record if he has the proof that he is the father of the child.
- A physician sees patients at a reduced fee. He spends very little time with each patient. Is the physician doing the right thing?
Answer: no. The physician is not providing optimal care.
- A 3-year-old girl is diagnosed with blood cancer. She has been waiting for an umbilical cord blood transfusion. Her mother
delivered a newborn baby girl. Umbilical cord blood was obtained and was transfused to the 3-year-old sibling. What is the duty of
the physician?
Answer: physician should obtain an informed consent of the risks of donation and he or she should follow the normal umbilical
cord clamping protocol. Physician should protect both the children.