Pediatric Board Certification Review and Medical Ethics
Table of Contents
- Medical Ethics
- Cardiovascular
- Hematology
- Oncology and Tumor
- Genitourinary
- Mammalian Bites and Poisoning
- Histiocytosis, Sarcoidosis, Amyloidosis
- Eye and ENT
- Dermatology
- Infectious Diseases
- Orofacial and Gastrointestinal
- Diabetes
- Endocrionology
- Miscellaneous (HIV is discussed in this section)
- Respiratory
- Adolescent
- Neurology
- Musculoskeletal
- Rickets and Tetany
- Injury
- The Acutely Ill Child
- Drowning and Near-Drowning
- Burn
- Transplantation
- Pain
- Pharmacological Calculations
- Investigations of Choice
- Genetics
- Metabolic Diseases
- Neonatology
- Growth and Development
- Immunology and Allergy
- Sports
- Fluid and Electrolytes
- Nutrition
- Statistics
- Biological And Chemical Terrorism
- Abbreviated Terms
- Pictures
- Index