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Pediatric Board Review - Match your answers

Q. No Choice No. Correct Answer 
1 (e) CNS abnormalities; a 1-month-old normal child has rooting reflex that facilitates sucking.
2 (b) 8 months of age
3 (a) Questionable
4 (e) Questionable. The long-term benefits of early accomplishments are questionable.
5 (d) Enlargement of breast buds (between 8 to 13 years of age)
6 (d) 9 years 6 months of age
7 (e) DHEAS may appear as early as 6 years of age.
8 (d) Rumination disorder is characterized by weight loss or failure to gain weight because of repeated regurgitation of food without nausea or other GI problems.
9 (a) Tachycardia, hypotension, and decreased oxygen saturation
10 (a) Drowning most commonly occurs in bathtubs or swimming pools; most children are older than 5 years of age.
11 (e) Hepatitis (e.g., elevated liver enzymes, jaundice, or acute hepatic necrosis) rarely occurs in children.
12 (e) The physician should not remove the infant from a mechanical ventilator but arrange for meeting with the parents and social worker. The grade 2 IVH is a benign condition and does not cause brain injury. A 26-week-gestational age preterm infant can survive without a major problem.
13 (d) Running causes more fire; rolling is indicated if clothes catches fire.
14 (e) Control of hot water thermostat (maximum water temperature 120°F)
15 (a) VAS (Visual Analog Scale) is used in patients who are 8 years of age and older. Answers (d) and (e) are used in patients who are 4 years of age and older. Answers (b), (c) and behavioral or combined behavioral-physiologic scales can be used in all age groups. VAS is a vertical 10-cm line, patient marks on line between “no pain” and “worst pain imaginable” (or sad face).
16 (d) Faces scales (e.g., Wong-Baker, Oucher, Bieri, McGrath scales) are used in patients who are 4 years of age and older. In faces scale, patients compare their pain to line drawings of faces or photos of children.
17 (c) Autonomic measures (e.g., heart rate, BP, heart rate spectral analysis) are used in all ages especially those who are receiving a mechanical ventilation. Behavioral scales are facial expressions and limb movements. Physiological scales are heart rate and BP. Hormonal-metabolic measures are plasma or salivary samples of hormones (e.g., cortisol, epinephrine).
18 (b) VAS (Visual Analog Scales), color and other analog scales cannot be used in children with cognitive limitations.
19 (a) Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency or absence is noted in patients with type Ia glycogen storage disease (Von Gierke)
20 (b) Pompe disease (or type II glycogen storage disease)
21 (a) Autosomal recessive
22 (e) Acid maltase (acid alpha-glucosidase)
23 (b) Muscle biopsy or liver biopsy specimen reveals decreased quantity of acid maltase activity.
24 (a) Hyperinsulinemia and large for gestational age (LGA) may be present in patients with erythroblastosis fetalis like IDM (infant of diabetic mother).
25 (e) Microcephaly, macroglossia, and islet cell hyperplasia are also present in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
26 (a) Retinoblastoma
27 (b) Chromosome 11p
28 (e) Bilirubin encephalopathy (kernicterus) can cause choreoathetotic cerebral palsy and sensorineural hearing loss.
29 (c) Gentamicin, furosemide, high serum bilirubin, and hypoxia with or without hyperventilation
30 (e) ROP