Pediatric Board Review Multiple Choice Questions & Answers Vol. 2
Sample Chapter 1
Here are some of the multiple choice question which you will find in this book
Q1. The most important preventable cause of blindness in the world is:
- Glaucoma
- Retinoblastoma
- Optic nerve glioma
- Eye injury
- Trachoma
Q2. A 6-year-old boy with Down syndrome is diagnosed to have acute appendicitis. Anesthesiologist may require the following investigation prior to general anesthesia:
- Echocardiogram
- Lateral neck x-ray
- Upper GI series
- Barium enema
Q3. The number of feedings required per day at 1 year of age is:
- 1 - 2
- 3 - 4
- 5 - 6
- 7 - 8
- 9 - 10
Q4. Williams syndrome is due to the deletion of one elastin allele located in chromosome:
- 7
- 11
- 15
- 19
- 23
Q5. An 1-year-old girl with systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis appears with fever, lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly. The blood test reveals anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. This is most likely due to:
- Viral syndrome
- Macrophage activation syndrome
- Hemolytic anemia
- Spleen failure
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Q6. Parent-infant bonding should be initiated:
- Immediately after birth
- 1 hour after birth
- 15 minutes after birth
- Before birth
- After discharge from the hospital
Q7. The characteristic skin lesions of Pseudomonas are:
- Erythema multiforme
- Erythematous nodule
- Pustular melanosis
- Cellulitis
- Ecthyma gangrenosum
Q8. Which first-line agents are preferred in treating seizures secondary to hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE):
- Benzodiazepines
- Paraldehyde
- Phenytoin
- Phenobarbital
- Propofol
Q9. Body mass index (BMI) should be calculated starting at age:
- 6 months
- 1 year
- 2 years
- 3 years
- 4 years
Q10. The following statement is not true about child abuse:
- Children younger than 2 years should have skeletal survey.
- The physician is legally obligated to report the incident.
- If the parents refuse hospitalization, emergency court order is not indicated.
- Other children baby-sat by abuser should be examined within 24 hours.
- Child should be admitted if the diagnosis is not clear.
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