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pediatric board review, pediatric board certification

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Q. No Choice No. Correct Answer 
1 (c)284 Na x 2 + Gl/18 + BUN/2.8
136 x2 + 90/18 + 21/2.8
272 + 5 + 7.5
2 (e) DKA means presence of ketone and glucose in the urine. Serum osmolality is elevated.
3 (b) GBS does not infect human beta cells.
4 (a) Sequence of abnormalities are mentioned from (a) to (e). First sign is reduced iron stores in tissue. Last sign is reduced intracellular enzyme activity.
5 (c) Newborn is diagnosed with transposition of great vessels, therefore Rashkind baloon atrial septostomy is the initial procedure of choice.
6 (d) Congenital rubella is associated with diabetes in later life.
7 (b) Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common organism.
8 (d) Pulmonary circulation is the correct answer.
9 (b) X-linked dominant; both males and females are affected, but males are affected more severely. Father and all his daughters are affected, but none of his sons.
10 (d) NEC can develop if procedure is performed through umbilical vein.All other choices are long-term prognosis of polycythemia.
11 (a) Intraoperative contamination is the most common cause.
12 (e) Histiocytosis X does not respond to corticosteriod therapy.
13 (c) Positive predictive value A/A + B = 5/5 + 11 = 31%.
14 (a) Encopresis is normal up to 4 years of age.
15 (a) CT scan and MRI are not included in Sarnat staging.
16 (b) Fibroadenoma.
17 (e) Drowning is the specific cause. Most common cause of prehospital pediatric cardiopulmonary arrest is due to prolonged myocardial ischemia from untreated hypoxemia or untreated shock (not due to primary cardiac cause).
18 (b) Mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis is the most common type.
19 (c) Mastitis is not a contraindication in breast-feeding.Breast-feeding is allowed in CMV (full-term infants) but contraindicated in preterm infants.
20 (d) Sucking and swallowing coordination appear at 34 weeks gestational age.
21 (c) Small intestine is foreshortened. 10% of cases are associated with intestinal atresia. Uimbilical cord is attached to the abdominal wall immediately to the left of the defect. Covering sac is not found; normal abdominal cavity size.
22 (b) Ultimate muscle mass and strength does improve with increased caloric intake and exercise.
23 (a) Elimination of galactose from diet does not invalidate enzyme assay, irrespective of duration of elimination.
24 (e) Fragile X-syndrome is diagnosed by DNA analysis. This syndrome is characterized by bilateral non-nodular macroorchidism and mental retardation.
25 (b) Neurologic abnormalities are absent in VACTERL anomaly (V for vertebral, A for anal, C for cardiac, TE for tracheoesophageal fistula, R for renal and abnormal radius, L for limb). This newborn has T-E fistula. The confirmatory diagnosis is made by X-ray that reveals coiling of nasogastric tube at neck.
26 (e) Amoxicillin is preferred therapy in acute otitis media. Other medications are not effective in acute otitis media.
27 (a) P. multocida is the most common organism in cat-bite wound.
28 (c) Retractile inguinal testis can be pushed down into the scrotum unlike undescended testis.
29 (e) Osteosarcoma is the diagnosis. It is most commonly associated with retinoblastoma.
30 (a) Do not give immunization.

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